As I freak out about my future job, I find joy in reflecting on my past jobs. My career started as a babysitter back around the 5th grade. I have some real babysitting horror the time a little boy I was watching flushed a whole roll of toilet paper which ended flooding the whole bathroom and leaking into the living room carpet. After using the families' shower towels to clean up sewer water, I prayed that the mom wouldn't yell at me.
That same night that same boy took me to see his pigs. (Which was a smelly and terrible adventure for a town girl like me.) Anyhow, one of the pigs was in labor, and the boy told me I had to reach my hand up in there and pull out the piglets, or they all would die. I don't like pigs, but I don't like dying pigs even more. Because my dad has all life answers, I ran to the house (these were the days before cell phones) and called my dad who gave me a really good piece of advice, "Don't touch those pigs. You don't know what you're doing. They'll be fine. Pigs have babies without people in the wild." I don't know much about pigs in the wild, so I trusted my dad and prayed those pigs wouldn't die.
After all the toilet and birthing pig terror, I had to feed those kids hotdogs (I was feeling a little leery of anything that might contain pork at this point.) Of course, the microwave was broken, and they had a gas stove I didn't know how to light. Since my pride prevented me from calling my parents for aNother emergency, I soaked the hotdogs in hot water and prayed those kids wouldn't get some sort of e-coli.
A little bit later their mom got home and brought me back to town. I prayed they'd never ask me to babysit again...which was one of the many prayers that day that did not go unanswered :)
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