Friday, April 8, 2011

What's next?

Here’s a rundown of the past few hours of my life:
Thursday morning:  Call from number on my cell phone that I don’t recognize.

Thursday after school: Listen to a voicemail from the principal I interview with.  Talk myself into calling her back.

Later after school Thursday afternoon:  Get a job offer.

Later later Thursday afternoon:  Call my mom and dad each about 8 times a piece and decide I want to wait for a job in/near Sioux Falls.  Write a blog about the pros and cons. Pray. Write another pro/con list. Pray again.   Receive a call from Mom; again weigh out the options.  Ask to talk to with Dad.  Ask to talk with Mom again. 

Early evening Thursday:
Decide I want to take the job.  Call mom and dad about 7 more times and then my brother and then my sister and then some of my friends.    (I just wanted to make sure I was weighing all my options.  Remember, I am an analyzer!)

Later Thursday night:    Call more people.  Decide for sure I am going to take the job

Later later Thursday night: Pray. Think. Pray. Think. Call more friends. Pray.  Google apartments, google churches, google the library, google golf courses, google anything related to anything in this town.

Friday morning: Call the principal and accept the position.

Friday afternoon:  Sign the contract and fax it in.

Later Friday afternoon:  Find out that one of my best friend’s little sister (who is also my friend) got a job that same morning teaching at the middle school in the same town!!!  (I had no idea she had applied or anything.)  Rest assured that this is all a God-thing, and He will take care of me. 

Later later Friday afternoon:  Find out that my friends from FL that moved to IA (who had their own job journey/struggle this year) bought a house!  Again reminded that God takes care of stuff. 

Friday night:  Watch the news about the messed up economy and  school budget cuts.  Becoming extremely thankful that God has opened up yet another unexpected door in my life.   Getting really excited for a new adventure.  Thinking about what I’m going to blog about next.

After a long and hard freak out session beginning Thursday morning and ending…well, I’m not really sure it’s ended yet…I have decided to take the job.  I will be employed next year as an elementary school counselor in a small-ish town outside of Omaha.  YAY!



  1. Congrats, Ann! I hope the transition goes well. And I hope that you will keep blogging even though you found a job. :)

  2. Congrats Ann! You will be blessed for being obedient. Happy for you :)
